Thursday, May 10, 2012

Garlic more effective than antibiotics against food poisoning bacteria
(NaturalNews) If you feel ill because of food poisoning you may not feel like eating it, but garlic has been proven to be more effective than antibiotics in fighting the effects of food poisoning bugs. The active compound, diallyl sulphide, is able to breach the membranes on many bacteria that make them harder to destroy.

Garlic oil compound found to offer heart protection
(NaturalNews) Researchers from the Emory University (EU) School of Medicine in Atlanta, Ga., have discovered a natural compound derived from garlic oil, known as diallyl trisulfide, that protects against heart damage. When taken after a heart attack, during cardiac surgery, or as a treatment for heart failure, this powerful compound was found to reduce tissue damage by 61 percent.

Heal with the miraculous powers of garlic
(NaturalNews) When you're sick with the flu, an infection, or simply unwell, doctors will usually prescribe antibiotics. We all know however, how dangerous antibiotics can be. But what if you could find that very cure for these things in nature, where you wouldn't have to suffer the dismal side effects of nausea, wrenching stomach pains, potential hallucinations, and a gruesome attack on the friendly flora that lives in your intestines? What if you didn't have to feel like a run-down old tractor, or like you've suddenly run out of batteries?

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