Tropical Traditions
America’s source for coconut oil!
Gold Label® Virgin Coconut Oil - Our Purest Unrefined Coconut Oil!

 Gold Label Organic Virgin Coconut Oil

How We Discovered this Unique Oil

When I first read about the wonderful benefits of coconut oil, I asked my wife Marianita, who grew up on a coconut plantation in the Philippines, if there was a more natural way to extract the oil from the coconut, so that we didn’t have to buy the refined coconut oils found in all the stores in the Philippines. She said there was a method the older generation used to extract the oil by grating the fresh coconut, extracting the coconut milk, and then letting the coconut milk stand in a covered container for about 24 hours. After about 24 hours, the oil naturally separates from the water producing a crystal clear oil that retains the full scent and taste of coconuts. So we started making our coconut oil that way and using it for our cooking needs with our three children. We couldn’t believe how wonderful it tasted, and how great we felt. We had been living on Mt. Banahaw in the Philippines for almost two years by that time, and in the year 2000 telephone service was provided to our rural farming community, allowing me to put up a website about our Philippine Herbs. I decided to also put our Virgin Coconut Oil up on the website, not really expecting people to order it because it was a bit expensive since we had to hire people to make the oil, and shipping cost a lot because of the weight. We were so surprised when people started ordering, and then re-ordering it because they felt so great after using it! They told us there was no other coconut oil like it on the market. (See a sample of testimonies below.)
Before long we had businesses contacting us asking how to order it in bulk. So we discussed how we could mass produce this kind of oil, and almost abandoned the product because we didn’t want to lose the traditional way of making it. In the end, we decided to just keep making it the same way, by having others in our coconut community also make the oil the traditional way. Many of our producers are in areas so remote, that if they did not use their coconuts to produce Virgin Coconut oil for us, no one would buy their coconuts because it would cost too much to transport them to manufacturing plants. In these areas, the coconuts generally just fell to the ground unused until we started training people to make our Virgin Coconut Oil. We were the first ones to export Virgin Coconut Oil from the Philippines to the US market. The success overwhelmed us.
Coconut oil may be able to reverse the progression of Alzheimer's disease
(NaturalNews) Reliable conclusions about the causes of Alzheimer's disease remain elusive, and effective drugs to treat the disease remain equally scarce. An actual pharmaceutical cure seems as close to becoming reality as a cure for cancer (i.e. nowhere in sight). Yet a Florida doctor was actually able to reverse her husband's Alzheimer's disease just by giving him four teaspoons of coconut oil per day. In the course of a year he not only regained the ability to exercise and to care for himself, but his brain atrophy was completely halted.
Coconut Oil Health Benefits
There is no better source of saturated fat than coconut oil. Unlike other saturated fats, it contains medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA’s). Other sources of saturated fat contain long-chain fatty acids. Some of the benefits of consuming MCFA’s include weight loss, decreased risk of heart disease and lower LDL cholesterol levels.
Health Benefits of Coconut Oil
The health benefits of coconut oil include hair care, skin care, stress relief, maintaining cholesterol levels, weight loss, increased immunity, proper digestion and metabolism, relief from kidney problems, heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, HIV and cancer, dental care, and bone strength. These benefits of coconut oil can be attributed to the presence of lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid, and its properties such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, soothing, etc.

Put This Food on Your Hair for a New Level of Luster---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TONY BAJA Health Resort - Report

Written by Tony Baja

Over the weekend we tested some of the Tropic Traditions Vigin Coconut Oil, in our own traditions, of celebrating the Easter weekend Holidays. First off this stuff was delicious! A nice compliment to the other type of products of Easter, that deliver a sugar content high enough to put you on the moon.

Tony Baja enjoys a Quinoa shake from time to time, over the weekend it was Banana Quinoa Date Shakes for everyone. We tested the Tropical Traditions product in a variety of ways, just to try to get an exact amount that seemed perfect for everyone's unique taste.

But as Tony Baja once said, He believes everyone has a unique body chemistry, along with a semi-unique taste, and this was a Easter Weekend where this philosophy proved true. We could not find the perfect amount that everyone enjoyed as their favorite. Tony Baja enjoyed the most, as usual, while other ranged from mild to strong, in the amount that they enjoyed for their Shakes.

Quinoa was reported on the past few days, here on the Tony Baja Health Resort - Report, with all the great qualities that it has, with the walnut, pecan, almond, raisin combination that Tony keeps around the house for snacking, Hadley dates that He enjoys, along with cocao nibs ground in a nut grinder, Coconut Oil was the great enhancement Tony was looking for.

A unique quality of the Tropical Traditional Virgin Coconut oil is this, the energy that it provided, some say they did not find that energy, while Tony along with most others did. But again, Tony graduated to the highest amount of Coconut Oil over the weekend. All in all, it was a great weekend, and you too, could enjoy some of the other fine products at Tropical Traditions products, from "grass fed" beef, to a wide variety of other coconut oil products. Tony Baja says, ENJOY!


TROPICAL TRADITIONS Virgin Coconut Oil - as a skin conditioner

written by Tony Baja

Here is another report on the fine qualities of Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut Oil. I had a chance to test out the Coconut Oil from Tropical Traditions, over the Easter weekend in a few different date shakes, that some are familiar with. The results were awesome!

Now to get the most out of the Tropical Tradition brand products, I was looking over their website, and saw a fine line of great products for the skin, but I thought, well maybe, just maybe I could come up with something from the jar myself.

My first attempt went well, the girls all love the smell, but they did NOT like the sheen that the Coconut oil left on them. Yes, they glowed, but it was generally best only at night time, before bed, and the sheen would wear off by the morning. But golly gee, the skin was So Smooth, and hydrated, it looked and felt like almost new skin. It rejuvenates the skin to almost a luxury skin type condition.

So Tony got into his bag of tricks, and came out with some powder form Calcium Bentonite Clay, which has been described in previous articles by Tony Baja. The powdered Calcium Bentonite Clay, added to liquified Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut Oil was the trick that Tony was looking for.

Now all the women just love to get rubbed down and a fine massage with the new coconut oil, as it leaves no sheen. But the amount that you use is up to you, and it makes a difference. Tony has his measurement down to a fine tee. But you may need to experiment with the amount yourself. Remember, just start off with a pinch, then move forward.

Tony has a selection of fine essential oils, that some use for aroma therapy, and/or therapeutic value. Tony is also adding these oils at this time, and hopes to come back in the future, with another report, on how these combinations work. In all, Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut Oil has many applications, You just need to get some, in order to start trying out your own destination, with Tropical Tradition Virgin Coconut Oil.

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