Culinary spices can help lower triglyceride levels
by: Tara Green
(NaturalNews) Adding enough of the right kind of spices to your food can partially offset the negative health impact of a high-fat meal, according to a recent study published in The Journal of Nutrition. Sheila West, PhD, associate professor of bio-behavioral health at Penn State University and lead researcher for the study, stated that "Antioxidants like spices may be important in reducing oxidative stress and thus reducing the risk of chronic disease."

Parsley is a blood purifying superfood 
by: Dr. David Jockers
(NaturalNews) Parsley is considered the world's most popular garnish. Parsley was originally cultivated in Europe and the Middle East but has become a staple in American cuisine. This herb has remarkable healing and blood purifying benefits that classify it as a superfood.

Parsley is an effective antioxidant, diuretic, blood tonic, and more
by: Donna Earnest Pravel
(NaturalNews) Parsley, that little piece of leafy green garnish that seems to decorate every plate in restaurants all across the U.S., is actually a serious herb which packs a powerful punch. Most people smile and ask sheepishly, "Are we supposed to eat it?" If it is certified organic parsley, then the answer is "yes." Parsley leaf is loaded with antioxidants and is a fantastic diuretic. The herb is a wonderful kidney aid, helping to get rid of kidney stones and edema (swelling), as well as healing any urinary tract infection or inflammation. Parsley root is high in calcium, iron, and B complex vitamins.

Oregano is a healing herb and natural anti-biotic
by: Dr. David Jockers

(NaturalNews) Oregano is a wonderful, aromatic herb that is native to the Mediterranean. It is thought to have originated in the mountainous regions of Greece, Turkey and Italy. It was named by the Ancient Greeks "Mountain Joy." Oregano is one of the most powerful healing herbs and natural anti-biotics ever studied.

The amazing healing powers of cayenne pepper (capsicum)
by: PF Louis
(NaturalNews) When the famous master herbalist Dr. John Christopher was bothered by stomach ulcer problems as a student, one of his herbal instructors recommended young John drink a solution of cayenne pepper powder in water daily. CINNAMON

Contents, Benefits and Uses of the Bay Leaf

Cinnamon: the blood sugar stabilizer
by: Dr. David Jockers
(NaturalNews) Cinnamon is one of the most anti-oxidant rich herbs on the planet. It has been revered by nearly every culture for centuries for its sweet taste and pleasant aroma. Cinnamon has been shown to have remarkable medicinal qualities that enhance blood sugar signaling, reduce inflammation, stimulate immunity and promote neurological health.

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